
Showing posts from October, 2017

What Are The Most Common 6 Myths About Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is a consequence of the space between the spine being crowed out from excessive tissue or bone growth. The consequence is nerve swelling & damage guiding to excruciating symptoms such as stiffness, tingling, pain and inflammation.  Spinal stenosis can happen at any point of your spine, but is most common in the lower back & neck area. Nearly 75 percent of the cases affect the lower back region. Have you or a loved one recently been diagnosed? If so, read on to learn important myths and facts about treating spinal stenosis. Surgery is the only form of cure: Though spinal stenosis surgery has proven to be a productive method, but there’re also many non-invasive treatment procedures that your doctor may recommend you to engage in before surgery. Some of the non-invasive Spinal stenosis treatment options include: ·          Chiropractic Treatment ·          Physical therapy ·          Epidural Injections ·          Prescription med

Spinal Stenosis Symptoms, Causes And Treatment Options

Spinal stenosis is a physical condition in which the spinal column narrows & begins squeezing the spinal cord. This procedure is usually steady. If the contraction is negligible, no symptoms will take place. However, too much contraction can squeeze the nerves & prompt problems. Stenosis can occur anywhere along the spine. How much of the spine is affected can differ. Spinal stenosis is also known as pseudo-claudication, central spinal stenosis or foraminal spinal stenosis.  What are the spinal stenosis symptoms ? Symptoms usually develop over time, as nerves become more squeezed. You might experience: ·          Lower back ache while walking or standing ·          Arm or leg weakness ·          Numbness in your buttock or legs ·          Balance issues ·          In severe cases, bowel or bladder dysfunction                                                                    ( Spinal stenosis) Spinal stenosis causes: Aging is prob